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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Don't take yourself too seriously, by Brandon Farrell

By Rachael Love on Feb 16, 2021 11:40:33 AM

Power User Spotlight: Brandon Farrell, Flow

Brandon's Hack: Don't take yourself too seriously

Doing cold outbound calls and emails can get monotonous. I always find time throughout the day to make it more fun. Create a game within the work, craft a personalized cheeky intro email, leave a voicemail every now and again. Makes it all the more worth it when you get a great response.

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Be relevant in your outreach, by Eddie Cmehil

By Rachael Love on Dec 1, 2020 3:26:43 PM

Power User Spotlight: Eddie Cmehil, Malomo

Eddie's Hack: Be relevant in your outreach

Something we try to do at Malomo is not just get personalized, but remain relevant. eCommerce is an ever-changing industry and the marketers we're talking to are constantly being thrown new channels, ways to reach customers, etc. To stick out, we've seen that we need to do proper research into what matters to the individual we are reaching out to and be as specific as possible as to how we might be able to help them. Figuring out what other technologies they use that we could work with is one way we stay very relevant.

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Embrace the "No", by Patrick Jacobs

By Rachael Love on Nov 5, 2020 10:19:10 AM

Power User Spotlight: Patrick Jacobs, Immerss

Patrick's Hack: Embrace the "No"

Over time I’ve found that embracing the “No” is one of the best things you can do as a sales person. “Maybe” in sales is the same as “No”, only with “Maybe” you end up wasting a bunch of time and effort chasing something that is never going materialize. “No” saves you time and energy, but also frees the prospect to speak more openly than they would have otherwise. Those insights gained can pay big dividends with the next prospect. So appreciate, embrace, and gain insights from “No”.

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Block your calendar, by Patrick Daly

By Rachael Love on Oct 7, 2020 9:48:57 AM

Power User Spotlight: Patrick Daly, Sezzle

Patrick's Hack: Block your calendar

Block that calendar! It is important to stay organized and ensure that you are utilizing every minute of every day. I like to block off my cold call, prospecting, follow-up, etc. times to have a placeholder indicating when I should be moving on. This helps to stay organized and maximize results. Also, switch up those cold-calling/prospecting time blocks to different parts of the day to increase the chances of getting ahold of your prospects.

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Use etailinsights' 'First Detected' information to time to your prospecting efforts, by Will Tafel

By Rachael Love on Sep 10, 2020 3:12:34 PM

Power User Spotlight: Will Tafel, Reflektion

Will's Hack: Use etailinsights' 'First Detected' information to time to your prospecting efforts

etailinsights offers a feature called Technology Spy that I use regularly. Part of that feature includes the ability to see when an etailer first started using a technology. Knowing etailinsights' 'first detected' date of a competitor technology helps me understand if a prospect is ripe for replacement and when it makes sense to target them. Additionally, etailinsights' Advanced Search feature allows you to search a date range of when a competitor technology was first added. With that search feature, I can quickly build a target list around a technology's first detected date. Having the date of when an etailer adopted a technology helps me time my prospecting efforts efficiently and effectively!

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The "No Demo" approach, by Chantele Gibson

By Rachael Love on Aug 19, 2020 2:59:53 PM

Power User Spotlight: Chantele Gibson, Searchspring

Chantele's Hack: The "No Demo" approach

In my experience, most of the sales pitches I've attended are typically in the form of a slide deck about the company, history of successes, or a full-blown product demo. I've learned that sales calls are not always designed for (or around) the prospect. That's why I am a big believer in a "No Demo" sales call. This doesn't mean that on sales calls, we should avoid a product overview, but instead strive to be more conversational. Take the majority of the time to understand the current challenges or pain points of each and every prospect. Use that information to position how your solution can help solve these problems.

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Building rapport, by Holly Exner

By Rachael Love on Jul 14, 2020 9:58:42 AM

Power User Spotlight: Holly Exner, Bolt

Holly's Hack: Building rapport

It's no secret that people buy from people they like. Which is why developing a relationship with a prospect prior to the sale, or the ask, is super important. Sure, sometimes you'll catch someone at the right place and at the right time, but overall it takes time to build the trust it takes to say yes. Do your research on LinkedIn, find unique pieces of information about a prospect or mutual interests, and weave it into your outreach. They'll appreciate the time and care you put into getting to know them and will (hopefully) want to return the favor.

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Leverage relatable success stories with your prospects, by Christopher Vanning

By Rachael Love on Jun 16, 2020 2:29:08 PM

Power User Spotlight: Christopher Vanning, ClearSale

Christopher's Hack: Leverage relatable success stories with your prospects

Your company should have a positive history providing value to merchants and clients - use it! There will always be other competitors and ways to resolve the problems your product or service addresses. What they don't have is your company and client stories to relate to the prospective merchant. It's not about features and benefits, it's about outcomes! If you can identify and communicate the desired outcome that can align with your solution, you will almost always eliminate being reduced to a commodity.

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Be yourself, by Ashley Applegarth

By Rachael Love on Mar 24, 2020 2:35:58 PM

Power User Spotlight: Ashley Applegarth, Doddle

Ashley's Hack: Be Yourself

The true sales hack is be authentic, be yourself. It’s that simple.

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Tell a story that relates to your prospects, by Melanie Pawlak

By Rachael Love on Feb 18, 2020 11:28:11 AM

Power User Spotlight: Melanie Pawlak, LinkConnector

Melanie's Hack: Tell a story that relates to your prospects

Tell a story! Online retailers often want to know how someone in a similar role or industry vertical has benefited from affiliate marketing and LinkConnector’s capabilities.  By telling a story which describes how we have helped a customer overcome specific challenges and the results achieved through our technologies and affiliate relationships, helps the prospect to create a picture of the growth their company could obtain through an affiliate program.

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