If someone asked you what your brand is, how would you answer?
Building your professional brand is one of the most influential factors contributing to your Social Selling Index (SSI) score on LinkedIn, which is more important than you might think.
By Darren Pierce on Dec 28, 2017 3:29:31 PM
If someone asked you what your brand is, how would you answer?
Building your professional brand is one of the most influential factors contributing to your Social Selling Index (SSI) score on LinkedIn, which is more important than you might think.
By Darren Pierce on Jan 27, 2016 6:00:00 AM
By Darren Pierce on May 14, 2015 6:00:00 AM
"LinkedIn Groups can be lead generating machines, but most B2B salespeople aren’t leveraging it to its full potential. Here is a proven step-by-step guide on how you can generate more leads by participating in these groups.1) Target An AudienceStart by identifying the type of people you want as leads. Use your data and analytics and your past experience to hone in on an audience of people that are most likely to engage with you. For this to be effective, you really have to nail down your target customer.2) Find The Most Active GroupLarge groups that are inactive, or small groups that are really active, might not churn out the best results. Ideally, you’ll want to find the largest, most active group out there. Keep an eye out for groups with more robots than humans and avoid them.3) Write Super Engaging ContentThis step is critical. You need to either revamp an old piece of content or write a completely new piece of content that you know will engage your target group. This has to be your absolute best. The title has to grab them and not let go until they read more. Take your content a step further and make it into a PDF white paper.4) Create An Opt-In Landing PageOnce you contribute to the group’s conversation and post about your super engaging content, you should take them to a squeeze page. Show the very beginning of the article on this page to hook them in, and then require users to trade their email address to view the full-length article. There you go—a new lead. Wash, rinse, and repeat for best results (i.e., don’t be afraid to reach out to multiple LinkedIn groups or with different content to the same group). Do you work with eCommerce companies? See how etailinsights has helped companies just like yours increase lead generation. Image: Flickr">data and analytics and your past experience to hone in on an audience of people that are most likely to engage with you. For this to be effective, you really have to nail down your target customer.
By Darren Pierce on Sep 9, 2014 6:00:00 AM
LinkedIn is unique in the sense that it’s a professional network, and because it’s a professional network, a few more rules apply than with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
By Darren Pierce on Apr 3, 2014 6:00:00 AM
We close our social media outreach series by discussing LinkedIn.
By Darren Pierce on Dec 19, 2013 6:00:00 AM
On average, LinkedIn users are 8x more engaged with your brand, 3x more likely to buy your product, and 2x more likely to recommend your product once they have connected with you.
By Darren Pierce on Dec 17, 2013 6:00:00 AM
LinkedIn differentiates itself from other social networks by providing features that salespeople can use to expand their network, form relationships, and increase sales.