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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Make friends with everyone you meet by Megan Quigley

By Rachael Love on Nov 22, 2021 5:33:01 PM

Power User Spotlight: Megan Quigley, Marketplacer

Megan's Sales Hack: Make friends with everyone you meet

Make friends with everyone you meet and don't take yourself too seriously! You will leave a lasting impression being genuine & listening. Not every conversation you have with a prospect has to be a hard sales pitch. It is fun getting to know people, and what drives the passion behind their projects and brands. The discussions you have where you empathize with your target, hear their goals, and support their visions are the ones that convert!

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Be transparent and fair by Jackson Harrower

By Rachael Love on Oct 18, 2021 8:43:17 AM

Power User Spotlight: Jackson Harrower, Boosted Commerce

Jackson's Sales Hack: Be transparent and fair

This is perhaps less of a hack and more of a philosophy, but the most important tenets for us to consider when approaching new sellers are transparency and fairness. We are only interested in win-win partnerships, so we'll look to structure transactions that provide maximum value in areas most important to sellers. We're always fully transparent about both our intentions and our thought process. Above all else, we want to be known for doing business the right way, and we've found this philosophy to be a tangible differentiator in attracting sellers.

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Leverage etailinsights' Technology Spy by Jen Herter

By Rachael Love on Sep 8, 2021 1:50:08 PM

Power User Spotlight: Jen Herter, LimeSpot

Jen's Sales Hack: Leverage etailinsights' Technology Spy

First of all, I don't think any "hack" out there will ever outperform persistence. With that being said, the etailinsights Technology Spy hack comes into play when I send out personalized cold emails at scale. Leveraging this feature, I may receive an email notification from Technology Spy telling me an online retailer is new to Shopify Plus. When I click on their account in etailinsights, I find out they're using Yotpo for reviews and Klaviyo for email. The intel that Technology Spy provides, leads me to quickly craft a personalized prospecting email that talks about how LimeSpot integrates with both Yotpo and Klaviyo.

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Keep it short, concise, and to the point by Christian Preece

By Rachael Love on Aug 4, 2021 4:57:42 PM

Power User Spotlight: Christian Preece, Taggstar

Christian's Sales Hack: Keep it short, concise, and to the point

A tip I always remember from my first day in sales -- 'Keep it short, concise and to the point.'

For context, when writing an email; Applying this hack is to limit every email to 3 lines or less. Be very clear on the purpose of your mail (information sharing, asking for advice, doing a concrete proposal) and limit yourself to 3 lines maximum. End your emails explaining in one sentence in your signature why you keep your mails so short.

This simple method will force yourself to think about the purpose of the mail, and to be short and concise. The people you communicate with will benefit, and will hopefully return the favors.

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Check your etailinsights' ICP daily, by Ryan Gobar

By Rachael Love on Jul 7, 2021 1:21:03 PM

Power User Spotlight: Ryan Gobar, Reach

Ryan's Sales Hack: Check your etailinsights' ICP daily! 

If you're an etailinsights user, you should take advantage of their powerful feature -- Ideal Client Profile. I highly recommend users to spend time setting one up and updating it as they hone in on where they are finding success. There are few better feelings in sales than when a solid lead lands in your lap, so I check the ICP dashboard daily!

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If you get knocked down, you need to get right back up, by Jason Skiba

By Rachael Love on May 11, 2021 1:18:39 PM

Power User Spotlight: Jason Skiba, Katapult

Jason's Hack: If you get knocked down, you need to get right back up

The best advice I can give is try to not take anything personally. If you’re in sales, I’m sure you’ve been caught off guard and knocked down a few times. Your reaction should be to get right back up and go after it again. If you’re able to maintain that mentality in work and in life, you’ll always be able to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

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Teamwork makes the dream work, by Paige Thames

By Rachael Love on Apr 22, 2021 9:57:07 AM

Power User Spotlight: Paige Thames, Visiture

Paige's Hack: Teamwork makes the dream work

Before I started working in sales, I definitely bought into the widespread belief that sales can be hyper-competitive and at times cut-throat. While it is important to maintain a competitive edge and stand out, I think it's equally as important to join a sales team that has a collaborative and encouraging culture. I've found that more people are willing to help you learn and grow than you might think. At the end of the day, being a part of a strong team makes the wins a whole lot better and the losses not hit as hard.

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People are the secret sauce, by Tim LaComb

By Rachael Love on Mar 23, 2021 10:19:46 AM

Power User Spotlight: Tim LaComb, Visible SCM

Tim's Hack: People are the secret sauce.

Within every organization, there are a lot of different people with different personalities. I like to work through an organization, building relationships and bonds with key contacts. I have found that people, not companies, make the decisions at the end of the day. Focus on the people, and find those within an organization that you connect well with. It really is a differentiator in my experience.

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Don't take yourself too seriously, by Brandon Farrell

By Rachael Love on Feb 16, 2021 11:40:33 AM

Power User Spotlight: Brandon Farrell, Flow

Brandon's Hack: Don't take yourself too seriously

Doing cold outbound calls and emails can get monotonous. I always find time throughout the day to make it more fun. Create a game within the work, craft a personalized cheeky intro email, leave a voicemail every now and again. Makes it all the more worth it when you get a great response.

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Be relevant in your outreach, by Eddie Cmehil

By Rachael Love on Dec 1, 2020 3:26:43 PM

Power User Spotlight: Eddie Cmehil, Malomo

Eddie's Hack: Be relevant in your outreach

Something we try to do at Malomo is not just get personalized, but remain relevant. eCommerce is an ever-changing industry and the marketers we're talking to are constantly being thrown new channels, ways to reach customers, etc. To stick out, we've seen that we need to do proper research into what matters to the individual we are reaching out to and be as specific as possible as to how we might be able to help them. Figuring out what other technologies they use that we could work with is one way we stay very relevant.

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