By Darren Pierce, Founder, etailinsights
Why We Hired a Horse-Drawn Carriage to Move Our Office
By Darren Pierce on May 21, 2015 7:30:47 PM
7 Resources To Help You Create Lifelong Customers
By Darren Pierce on May 21, 2015 6:00:00 AM
Customer service can be a time-consuming part of your week, but it’s a necessary part of the job. Retaining customers is so much more cost-effective than constantly trying to generate new ones.
3 Elements That Make Up The Perfect Call To Action
By Darren Pierce on May 19, 2015 6:00:00 AM
Driving sales begins with encouraging prospects to either engage with you or your online content and the best way to achieve that is through a well-placed call to action.
How Sales People Can Generate Leads Using A LinkedIn Group
By Darren Pierce on May 14, 2015 6:00:00 AM
"LinkedIn Groups can be lead generating machines, but most B2B salespeople aren’t leveraging it to its full potential. Here is a proven step-by-step guide on how you can generate more leads by participating in these groups.1) Target An AudienceStart by identifying the type of people you want as leads. Use your data and analytics and your past experience to hone in on an audience of people that are most likely to engage with you. For this to be effective, you really have to nail down your target customer.2) Find The Most Active GroupLarge groups that are inactive, or small groups that are really active, might not churn out the best results. Ideally, you’ll want to find the largest, most active group out there. Keep an eye out for groups with more robots than humans and avoid them.3) Write Super Engaging ContentThis step is critical. You need to either revamp an old piece of content or write a completely new piece of content that you know will engage your target group. This has to be your absolute best. The title has to grab them and not let go until they read more. Take your content a step further and make it into a PDF white paper.4) Create An Opt-In Landing PageOnce you contribute to the group’s conversation and post about your super engaging content, you should take them to a squeeze page. Show the very beginning of the article on this page to hook them in, and then require users to trade their email address to view the full-length article. There you go—a new lead. Wash, rinse, and repeat for best results (i.e., don’t be afraid to reach out to multiple LinkedIn groups or with different content to the same group). Do you work with eCommerce companies? See how etailinsights has helped companies just like yours increase lead generation. Image: Flickr">data and analytics and your past experience to hone in on an audience of people that are most likely to engage with you. For this to be effective, you really have to nail down your target customer.
5 Useful Content Idea Generators For B2B Sales People
By Darren Pierce on May 12, 2015 6:00:00 AM
When the words are flowing and the ideas just keep coming, I could blog all day. Literally.
5 Mind-Blowing Digital Marketing Stats & Why They Matter To You
By Darren Pierce on May 7, 2015 6:00:00 AM
Changes in the Internet marketing and sales space happen faster than industry bloggers are able to type. Thinking back a few years ago when SEO was first becoming a buzzword makes me realize just how much digital marketing and sales have evolved.
3 Tips To Help You Monitor & Shape Your Online Reputation
By Darren Pierce on May 5, 2015 6:00:00 AM
Whether you’re trying to maintain your own personal brand or are in change of managing your company’s, monitoring your online reputation has become a necessity. With over 3.5 billion searches per day (that’s about 40,000 search queries per second), failing to stay aware of the content that is out there about your brand can be costly. You just never know who is seeing it!
3 Common Creativity Roadblocks & How To Power Through Them
By Darren Pierce on Apr 30, 2015 6:00:00 AM
Whether you’re brainstorming a new way to approach a prospect or how you can bolster the look of your marketing materials to better communicate your message, B2B sales take a good amount of creativity.
Google's Latest Algorithm Change & How It Affects Your etailer Clients
By Darren Pierce on Apr 28, 2015 6:00:00 AM
Have you looked into Google’s latest algorithm change?
You Should Start Your Own Company Too, 3 Keys to Success....
By Darren Pierce on Apr 23, 2015 2:03:41 PM