LinkedIn is unique in the sense that it’s a professional network, and because it’s a professional network, a few more rules apply than with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
5 Things You're Doing Wrong On LinkedIn (And How To Do Them Right)
By Darren Pierce on Sep 9, 2014 6:00:00 AM
How To Use Call Recordings To Improve Sales Performance
By Darren Pierce on Sep 2, 2014 6:00:00 AM
Improvement is a continuous process for professional sellers, and one of the most effective ways to improve performance is to analyze how your salespeople are interacting with clients over the phone.
What etailers Are Expecting From Your Sales People
By Darren Pierce on Aug 26, 2014 6:00:00 AM
When it comes to expectations, B2B buyers and sales managers couldn’t be any different.
3 Warning Signs Your Sales Opportunity Isn't Going To Close
By Darren Pierce on Aug 19, 2014 6:00:00 AM
As all sales professionals know, the B2B sales cycle usually involves multiple people, a lot of information, and a ton of patience. One sale can take months to come to fruition, sometimes even longer, and nothing is more frustrating than putting in so much time and effort only to have your potential client back out of the deal.
6 Tools To Spy On Your Competitors
By Darren Pierce on Aug 5, 2014 6:00:00 AM
Good marketing starts with listening—listening to your consumers and listening to your competitors.
How To Use Hashtags To Increase Social Media Reach
By Darren Pierce on Jul 31, 2014 9:31:00 AM
Plenty of studies have shown that using 1-2 hashtags in a tweet helps to expand the reach of messages.
6 Critical Email Marketing KPIs You Need To Know
By Darren Pierce on Jul 17, 2014 6:00:00 AM
Email marketing returns big bucks, and we've touched on a few ways to optimize both your desktop and mobile emails.
3 Elements Every Successful eCommerce Blog Needs
By Darren Pierce on Jul 8, 2014 10:00:00 AM
I’m a big blog reader, and eCommerce is a passion of mine. I’ve come across dozens of blogs that touch on the topic, and after taking the time to look through some of the most successful ones, I’ve identified 3 elements that they all have in common.
3 Ways To Use Video To Attract More eTailer Clients
By Darren Pierce on Jul 3, 2014 6:00:00 AM
We all know how important it is to tell a compelling story, and it’s no secret that video has become a popular channel to do just that.
How To Sell To The Super Informed Customer
By Darren Pierce on Jul 1, 2014 6:00:00 AM
Customers have changed.