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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Pre-Call Warm-up: How to Prepare to Call an eCommerce Manager in Five Minutes

By Darren Pierce on Jun 7, 2013 6:00:00 AM

I’ve been on both ends of the line during business calls.

As someone in eCommerce sales, you know that the first call with a potential eTailer client is often the only chance you get to make a good impression.

You already know that preparation can increase the odds of a good call.

These next tips should help you prepare the right way. These call strategies have worked for me both as the potential client and as the salesperson.

You can gather all this information within five minutes.

Basic Personal and Professional Info

Sometimes a sales call can come together quickly. An email you’ve sent out to an eCommerce manager could be well received with a request for an immediate call.

To prepare quickly, start with a basic Google search for the manager’s personal and professional info. Most people, including business professionals, have online profiles today.

A quick check on LinkedIn will reveal info such as:

  • Current professional position
  • Work history
  • Skills and responsibilities

This information gives you the basics you need to speak to the manager’s interest and needs in their professional position. They’ll feel like you’re not wasting their time because you’ve done your research.

Other items that usually come up in an initial search are Twitter profiles and personal websites. You will likely find personal info such as:

  • Hobbies
  • Favorite teams
  • Favorite pop culture items

These are great for developing rapport. The first call is often about getting to know one another. A common interest in sports, TV shows or a hobby can start the conversation before you get into a specific business discussion.

Company Information

Along with information about the manager, it’s good to have basic information about the company.

This post may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised by the number of salespeople that go into first sales calls with eTailers with zero information. They look like fools and it irritates the manager on the other end of the line to no end.

You can find company information with another quick Google search. Read the about page on the company website. You’ll get history and an overview of what the company does.

You can also gain information on social media profiles including LinkedIn.

The manager you’re speaking with on the phone will appreciate even the most basic knowledge you have about the company. It saves them time when explaining a little about the company. Instead of telling you those basic facts they can focus on the challenges the company is currently facing.

eTailer Data

Finally, working with eTailer data well in advance of your first calls prepares you for the call to the point where a last-minute call doesn’t faze you.

At etailinsights, we provide eTailer and eCommerce vendors with valuable company data that gives you your ideal target eTailer.

You will know what company and what manager to target. You’ll have all the information you need to use time wisely with your new contact while working with the knowledge that cuts to the core of what they need and how your company can satisfy it.

Written by Darren Pierce

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