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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Is Fear A Good Strategy To Use With Your eTail Prospects?

By Darren Pierce on Nov 5, 2013 6:00:00 AM

 Some b2b salespeople make the mistake of attempting to scare online retailers into buying the product or service that they are offering.

They dwell upon the consequences of not making a purchase and attempt to use fear as a sales tool.

However, a good salesperson seeks to generate excitement rather than fear.

Focus on the Positive

According to research cited by the Harvard Business Review, integrity, fairness, and respectfulness are some of the qualities that customers rank the most highly in salespeople.

The problem with using fear to generate a sale is that etailers will often see through it, which will damage the reputation of your sales staff.

It is better to focus upon how a product can help a company than it is to dwell upon the consequences of failing to purchase it.

This will help you to avoid coming across as if you are trying to scare an online retailer into buying from you.

Empathic Selling

Sales experts Herbert Greenberg and David Mayer have highlighted the importance of empathy when it comes to sales.

To successfully sell a product to an online retailer, a genuine connection needs to be forged. Attempting to manipulate him or her into making a purchase is not a viable tactic.

Adopting fear as a strategy is a dangerous game.

It could make your sales staff come across as predatory in their approach and damage their relationships with potential customers.

You should aim to get etailers excited about the prospect of buying from you, not scared about what will happen if they decide that they don’t feel like parting with their cash.

Do you want to get more tips about how to achieve b2b sales success?

Written by Darren Pierce

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