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How to Get Your Bullseye Customer To Follow You on Twitter

By Darren Pierce on Jul 24, 2013 6:00:00 AM

We’ve talked about creating your bullseye customer.

This is the person you target with your sales and marketing efforts.

Having a focus on a single person can help you refine your efforts to speak directly to their needs. You can cater your offer to them instead of spreading yourself too thin and winding up with something that is so watered down that it doesn’t help anybody.

So now you have your bullseye customer in mind.

To start a potential business relationship you need to get their attention.

One way to do that is to get them to follow you on Twitter.

Here are three ways to get your bullseye customer to follow you on Twitter (and potentially other channels too).

1. Share Interesting Content

I won’t spend too much time on this one because it’s cliché at this point.

Everybody knows that if you share interesting information on Twitter that you’ll get followers.

The trick is actually doing it.

To share interesting content you start with your bullseye customer. You take a few examples of this customer on Twitter and see the people they already follow. Look for patterns and trends in the content those people or accounts are sharing.

Then create 5-10 types of content that your bullseye customer likes to see. You can then create some of the content yourself with something like a blog or video channel.

But you can also share information that others are publishing online.

2. Mention Them And Promote Their Content

People love getting mentioned on Twitter. By showing your bullseye customer some love by sharing their content and mentioning them on Twitter you get their attention.

Don’t take this too far by mentioning a bunch of people. That’s spamming. But if you do this on occasion you’ll get the attention of some of your customers and they’ll follow you for updates.

Let’s say your bullseye customer is the email manager of a large eTailer. Chances are they have a blog of their own or that they help with some online content.

Promote that content and mention them when you share it on Twitter.

Don’t look for anything in return. Do this regularly and you’ll find that your customers start following you.

3. Create Content Mentioning Your Bullseye Customer

Create a list or slideshow that includes your bullseye customer’s brand. It could be the “Top Ten Brands To Watch This Summer” or something like that.

Your customers love being included in lists like this and they’ll pay attention when you create them.

Share the list on Twitter. Your customers are likely following to see if they are being mentioned on places like Twitter.

These are just a couple of ways you can get your customers to follow you on Twitter.

Do you have any other suggestions?

Written by Darren Pierce

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