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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Create a Dartboard, Focus on the Bullseye (aka your "Sweet Spot")

By Darren Pierce on May 13, 2013 9:31:34 AM

Studies suggest that the best athletes have developed a greater ability to visualize than others.

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Team at etailinsights

By Darren Pierce on Nov 22, 2012 3:50:00 PM

The etailinsights’ team recently got together for an early Thanksgiving dinner on the Tuesday before Turkey Day.  The team decided to do a potluck dinner in which each employee in the office brought their own plates of food to the gathering and there was certainly plenty
of delicious food to go around.

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Office party: Halloween edition

By Darren Pierce on Oct 30, 2012 4:01:00 PM

Thursday, October 25, 2012, was the date of etailinsights 1st Annual Halloween Office Party.
 The etailinsights team got together and took a break from work to celebrate Halloween!  Pumpkin Carving, Cornhole, Okra Chips, and Good Times were on the menu for the event and good times were certainly had!  We also had a pumpkin carving contest in which we crowned Jane King as the Master Pumpkin Carver, for carving a Feral Cat (see previous posts).  Even our office neighbor Darlene from Lovely Lady stopped by.   Jon Huck did an excellent job planning the event!

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Operation catnip: etailinsights style

By Darren Pierce on Oct 4, 2012 4:13:00 PM

The etailinsights team is teaming up with local cat agencies, Cat Angels, Trap Neuter Return (TNR), and Operation Catnip after noticing five Feral cats (“wild cats”) and at least five kittens in our parking lot.  Other businesses in Cary, NC have noticed an increased population
of feral cats, including etailinsights neighbors Lovely Lady and American Agricultural Services, Inc.

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etailinsights' Employees Work Hard to Feed Kittens

By Darren Pierce on Sep 20, 2012 4:42:00 PM

Darren Pierce, Jane King, Colton Roberts, Rachael Love, and Jon Huck knew they had to do something when they noticed four kittens and their mother in the parking lot on Thursday morning.  The team got together after noticing the kittens and proceeded to create a plan for feeding them.  After gathering the necessary supplies of Tuna, Chicken, Turkey, and even Lamb flavored cat food.  We placed a can and some water outside to see how the kittens would react and within minutes we had our response.  The cats love the food we provided them and are happier than ever.  Please let us know if you would like to provide these kittens a home!

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