When contacting an online retailer, it is essential for your sales staff to deliver pitches that are both significantly different from those of other companies and capable of sparking an interest in the goods or services that you are offering.
How do you go about creating a distinctive, intriguing sales pitch? Here are a couple of pointers.
Focus on Differentiation
The Small Business Administration advises that b2b companies should focus upon how the product or service that they are trying to sell can help their customers to differentiate themselves from competing companies.
Ensure that you specifically spell out the ways in which whatever it is that you are selling can provide potential customers with an edge over their rivals.
You should also make sure that your sales pitch not only details what makes your product different from that of your competitors but also describes the impact that its unique nature can have upon an online retailer’s business.
Perfect your Use of Words
A report by the Harvard Business Review indicates that salespeople are focussing more and more upon the effect that their use of language has upon potential customers.
By studying the words and phrases that your sales staff use, you can ascertain how they should tailor their language to make your product or service stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of online retailers.
According to sales expert Tony Parinello, your salespeople can help to gain the attention of retailers by being complementary when they answer the phone.
Tony recommends thanking them for taking the call at the start of the conversation or stating that it is an honor to speak to them.
This will be more likely to capture their interest than standard openers like ‘Can I have a minute of your time?’
It will mark your company out as being different from the outset.