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How Same-Day Delivery Will Transform Business

By Darren Pierce on Jul 29, 2014 6:00:00 AM

Amazon and Google are offering same-day delivery services in major cities, and if this is any indication of the future, same-day delivery becoming a norm isn’t too far off anymore. We can see it in the distance.

What does this mean for you, your clients, and business in general?

Let’s take a look.

Broadened eCommerce Product Mix

With same-day delivery, etailers can now sell products that customers would normally purchase last minute and other household consumables.

Think about the possibilities.

Image leaving for work only to realize that you forgot to pick up toilet paper, laundry detergent, and toothpaste the previous evening. Instead of having to stop at a physical store on your way to work, you can order them on your phone while waiting in line for coffee and they will be waiting on your doorstep by the time you're home.

Broadened Brick-And-Mortar Product Mix

Similarly, brick-and-mortar businesses will have new opportunities as well.

Imagine this scenario.

A customer wants to buy a television from a particular brand, but you don’t carry the size he specifically wants. Instead of telling him he’ll have to wait for a week for a new shipment, you can order one with the promise that it’ll arrive in the next 24 hours.

Businesses can offer customers products that are not actually in the store.

Less Price Sensitivity

No longer will everyone be battling for the lowest price.

Instead, consumers will be more interested in getting their products at certain times. They’ll be more willing to pay a premium if you can deliver in a timely manner, and you can bet this will also lead to increased consumer loyalty.

It might be harder to pull customers away from your competitors, but if you can consistently meet customers’ expectations in terms of delivery, they’ll stick with you as well.

The thought of same-day delivery becoming the norm is both exciting and unnerving.

Exciting because of all the possibilities.

Unnerving because of all the work and innovation it’ll take to capitalize on those opportunities.

What are your thoughts on same-day delivery?

Written by Darren Pierce

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