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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Who Is The Right Person To Call at eCommerce Companies?

By Darren Pierce on Jun 12, 2013 6:00:00 AM

Making the first call or sending the first email starts with a name.

Knowing what that name should be when you’re reaching out to eCommerce companies and eTailers can mean the difference between a sale and another voicemail greeting.

At etailinsights, we work with eTailer vendors all the time to provide data that provides the right name for sales calls.

Here are some of the things we’ve learned.

It’s Hard To Talk To Marketing Directors and CEOs

The employment world has changed in the last five years.

Companies are no longer hiring many people to handle specific jobs. Firms, including eTailers, are more likely to hire few people to handle many different tasks.

It’s a strategy that is proving to increase productivity, but it can put pressure on employees.

For vendors, this means less access to management.

Marketing Directors and CEOs are busier than ever. They have more meetings. They have their hands in more programs than ever before.

eCommerce companies and eTailers especially seem to be involved in more. They have countless programs to track and each is important to the bottom line.

As a result, it’s next to impossible to get a call with a marketing director. They are simply too busy.

Internet Program Managers Have More Time For Vendors

Internet program managers – the person in charge of display advertising, email marketing, and other programs – are a much more likely candidate for your sales pitch.

It’s obvious that if your solution complements that of a specific Internet manager at an eTailer that you should make your plans to reach out to that person.

But even if your solution doesn’t mesh well you can still make headway with a potential call.

Internet managers are often working behind the scenes on various projects. eCommerce companies and eTailers always have ongoing projects that include the entire Internet team.

This means that you have a variety of people touching different areas of interest and that is where you can make a connection with your solution.

Company Data Can Increase Your Odds

You can find Internet program manager data on sites like LinkedIn, but there is much more than just the basic information.

For example, at etailinsights, we provide eTailer vendors with data that allows the company to target the ideal company, the ideal contact, and information as to how that company currently spends its marketing budget.

It dramatically increases your odds of earning new business.

The more data you have the better off you’ll be when it comes to eCommerce sales.

Darren PierceFounderetailinsights

Written by Darren Pierce

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