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Now Is A Good Time To Reassess Your Bull's Eye Customer

By Darren Pierce on Dec 10, 2013 6:00:00 AM

Reassessing your target customer every six months to a year is a good way to make sure you are communicating your value to the right people.

Here are a few reasons why now is a good time to reassess your bull’s eye customer.

1. Needs Are Changing

The needs, wants, and habits of your customers could be changing, and without doing an assessment, you might not even realize it.

Trends weave in and out of industries, influencing demand. Right now it’s all about content marketing. Nearly 78% of CMOs think custom content is the future of marketing. This trend might affect how you communicate the value of your products or services.

Similarly, a shift in the economy could be affecting things. A business might be satisfied with your affordable services, but because they’re growing, they might be looking for a premium upgrade. Can you provide that upgrade?

2. Your Research Is Outdated

Data you collected a couple of years ago might not be valid anymore. As a result, the assumptions you’ve been working under to develop your marketing strategy might be inaccurate.

If that’s the case, then it’s time to get down and dirty again. Get updated with what’s happening in your industry. What are people talking about? Are there any new innovations? New competitors? Do your customers have something new to say?

3. Your Value Might Be Changing

Sometimes it’s not the customer who is changing. Sometimes it’s your own company, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

New products. New technology. New employees. Nothing stays constant anymore.

As your company grows, you could have the potential to provide value to a completely new target customer. Reassess the strengths and weaknesses of your products or services, and it could reveal a new opportunity you didn’t realize was there.

Reassessing your target customer helps keep your marketing strategy on track. Even the most oiled machines need routine maintenance once in a while.

Has your target customer ever changed? How did you adapt?

Written by Darren Pierce

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