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Understanding Budget Timelines and When eTailers Look for Vendors

By Darren Pierce on Aug 23, 2013 6:00:00 AM

So you’ve got a lead that you are looking to qualify. It is an eTailer that is searching for a suitable vendor. What do you do next?

It is important to ascertain whether or not your product fits in with an eTailer’s budget and whether whatever it is that you are selling can be delivered within a time period that is suited to the needs of the potential customer.

You should also ask questions related to the nature of the vendor that the eCommerce company is looking for. Try to find out exactly what the eTailer is looking for. The more details you can get, the better.

Knowledge is Power

Try not to pick the brain of the person on the other end of the phone too much, as you might overwhelm him or her and ruin your chances of securing a sale. However, the more information you can glean, the more sure you can be that you are talking to the correct person.

You should attempt to work out whether or not the retailer can afford the product or service that you are selling and whether you are capable of providing it at the appropriate juncture. If not, you might be barking up the wrong tree.

Increase your Profitability

Understanding the significance of budgets, timelines and eTailer needs can ensure that you do not waste your time by trying to sell something to an eCommerce company that is not likely to buy it, wants sooner than you can supply, or does not have a big enough budget to purchase.

Asking the right questions can rule out leads that are a highway to nowhere. This will leave you with more time in which to focus upon more useful activities and boost the profitability of your business.

Written by Darren Pierce

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