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How To Use Your Press Releases To Start Conversations With eTailer Managers

By Darren Pierce on Oct 10, 2013 6:00:00 AM

Press releases are a good way of generating publicity for your business and getting the attention of online retailers.

Not just any old press release will lead to conversations with eTailers though; here are some tips on how to maximize the number of eCommerce company managers who interact with you after reading the information that you have released.

Encourage Comments

It is important to make it easy to engage with the content of your press release.

If it is an online press release then you can do this by actively encouraging comments.

You could put something along the lines of, ‘If you have any suggestions about how to use your press releases to start conversations with eTailer managers then why not leave them in the comments?’

Clearly Display Company Information

There is no point in creating a press release if your business’s contact details are not included in it.

Make sure that they are prominently displayed and remember to incorporate hyperlinks to your company’s website if it is an electronic press release.

Online PR Companies

One of the main ways in which you can increase the number of conversations with eTailer managers that your press releases start is by improving their presence on the web.

Social Media Today advises that you should use an online PR company to distribute press releases to bloggers and similar online outlets.

This will mean that more potential customers read them, increasing the likelihood of eCommerce company managers getting in touch about the content.

Tailor your Use of Language

Sometimes you can inspire an online retailer to interact with you by using jargon that appeals to those who are in the know.

However, this might also alienate some retailers.

The trick is to strike a balance between including all of the latest industry buzzwords and making sure that your press release accessible with regards to its use of language.

Written by Darren Pierce

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