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3 Phrases That Will Instantly Boost Your Credibility With Online Retailer Leads

By Darren Pierce on Dec 2, 2015 11:00:00 AM

From the perspective of an online retailer lead, not much differentiates you from every other salesperson out there trying to sell a product or service. You’re a dime a dozen until you show them why they can trust you over the other guy, and the quickest way to build this trust is to prove your credibility.

Credible people are trustworthy people, so here are 3 phrases you can use to help boost your own credibility as a salesperson in the eyes of your lead.

1) What Do You Think Your Biggest Inhibitor To Growth Is?

Don’t ask about their problems; ask about the problem. The one keeping the CMO up at night.

If your lead isn’t quite sure of the problem, help them figure it out by asking penetrating questions. You gain authority if you can work with your retailer to help them identify this major roadblock to growth.

2) What Does A Good return On Your Investment Look Like?

This question allows you to avoid vague goals. Instead, it helps you identify why the lead is in the market for your services and what they’re expecting to receive if they partner with you. This is a great question to keep the ball in the retailer’s court so they have an opportunity to speak to what they already know and so you can better understand their expectations and current knowledge level.

3) In Addition To You, Who Else On Your Team Would Be Interested In This?

Asking straight-up if a person is a decision-maker never works out well and can be condescending. Asking a question like this does one of two things. First, it shows your lead you understand that decisions like these don’t happen in a vacuum. And second, it prompts your lead to get the decision-maker involved, if he isn’t the decision-maker already.

Building credibility is essential to building solid business relationships, so choose your words carefully!

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Written by Darren Pierce

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