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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Align Yourself With Partners To Get Retailers To Notice You

By Darren Pierce on Jun 3, 2013 6:00:00 AM

Part of eCommerce vendor sales is growing your potential audience of customers.

Right now, you only have a certain number of eTailers that know about you. This fact makes it challenging for you to introduce your brand and get those eTailers interested.

There are some exciting new ways to grow your audience including social media, email, and other online marketing strategies.

But there is still one classic strategy for growing your audience and it works just as well today as it ever has.

Partner With Complementary Companies to Grow Sales

Companies have been partnering with each other for a lot of years.

Local businesses that participate in charity events are one example of a business strategy. Yes, it’s to promote the cause, but the partnership is also an opportunity for a company to expose its brand to the charity audience.

Endorsements are another form of business partnership. You’ve probably seen professional athletes endorsing products. The athlete has an audience and the company wants to sell to that audience.

In the eCommerce industry, you see partnerships too.

A display advertising brand might partner with an email provider to create a valuable webinar about the benefits of integrating email and display campaigns. CEOs and managers at eTailers love this type of information and insight.

Find Complementary Vendors and Align Goals

If you’re struggling to grow your pool of prospects create a list of complementary brands. Ideally, they would have an audience larger than yours or an audience that fits your target while not already being part of your current audience.

Create a way to work together to benefit each other. It might be an email campaign or website promotion. Find a way to introduce each other’s brands to the other’s audience.

It’s a win-win situation as both brands can grow.

You might already have some brands in mind that you can partner with on campaigns.

Also, consider using the etailinsights data. You can find your target eTailer client and find who their current vendors are for various services. Choose a complementary vendor and reach out to them to see if there’s a campaign that benefits both of you.

There are lots of ways to expand your audience today, but the classic way of growing your audience by partnering with other companies can still work well.

Written by Darren Pierce

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