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3 Hot eCommerce Topics CMOs Are Talking About For Holiday 2013

By Darren Pierce on Aug 9, 2013 6:00:00 AM

Naturally, just as the summer is hitting its hottest point, we start talking about the holiday season. It’s never too early to prepare for those winter months because for most companies (if not all), they’re the most important of the year.

Here are a few marketing topics that you should pay attention to as you prepare your company to take on the rush of the holiday season.

Social Media Innovations

There’s no stopping social media. New tools to enhance your marketing mix are being launched all the time.

Recently, Twitter has released a new set of targeting tools that helps marketers target users based on their off-site behavior.

Facebook is helping marketers out as well. Statistics show that for six straight quarters the percentage of people signing into retail websites with their Facebook information has grown among those who already have a log-in with that website.

My point is simple. Social media is growing, so take advantage of that this holiday season.

Email Timing

If you don’t have data that tells you how the time of day affects your customers’ responses to your emails, then now is the time to get it.

Timing is everything, isn’t it?

Last year during the holiday season, 39% of all sales emails were sent between 8:00 AM and 12 PM. Is your company stuck in the majority?

Now is the time to experiment to see what time of day your customers prefer to receive your messages.

SEO for The Little Guys

If Google’s new algorithm this past year didn’t throw your SEO strategy for a loop, then you’re lucky.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to rank high in the natural Google search results. Big guys like Amazon seem to be just having their way.

Little guys do have an advantage though. They have the ability to connect with their customers at a level that most big corporations can’t. While the big guys are stuck with their brands, little guys have an opportunity to create a fresh, unique voice.

And that will help drive more traffic to your site.

The holiday season is important for everyone, so make sure you’re going into it prepared to give your company the best chance to succeed.

Written by Darren Pierce

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