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How To Find eTailers That Already Believe In What You're Doing

By Darren Pierce on Aug 7, 2013 6:00:00 AM

In an ideal world, each eTailer out there would be interested in what you’re doing.

We know that’s not the case, but some salespeople still focus on companies that really have no interest. It can waste time and resources for a losing battle.

The challenge is finding the companies out there that believe in what you’re doing. These companies are the ones that have a specific need. They may not know about you, but if they did they would instantly recognize the solution you can provide to help them.

Here are a couple of ways to find them.

Press Releases and Articles

Companies, especially eTailers and eCommerce companies, are always looking for some online press. You can learn quite a bit about those companies if you read press releases and articles on sites like Internet Retailer.

You can see what the companies are working on and what is happening with them. This will give you insight into what they’re doing and what their goals are for the future.

If those goals align with what you provide you know you have a prospect that believes in what you’re doing.

Corporate Websites

Next up is corporate websites. You can learn a lot by reading the about page. This will give you a little insight into the company’s general take on things.

But more important are two other sections starting with the news or blog section. Many corporate sites have these and you can look at the articles to find clues to what the company is doing.

Also, look at the open positions or hiring section on the website. You can see what the company is hiring for and if one of the needs fits what you’re providing you know you can provide help.

Social Media

Social media can sometimes give you some insight into what a company is doing and what they care about. Look at the company’s branded social media profiles, but also look at the individual profiles of the people you want to contact within the company.

The updates can sometimes provide you with the information you need to know if a company cares about what you’re doing and what you can provide.

How do you find prospects that believe in what you’re selling?

Written by Darren Pierce

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