Trust is the foundation of every good business relationship, and without it, your leads won’t feel comfortable enough to tell you their problems or allow your company to provide a solution.
Trust is a necessary component to closing deals, and establishing it quickly increases your chances of forming a new business relationship.
Here are three ways you can quickly establish trust with a new online retailer lead.
1) Have A Strong Introduction
Take full advantage of that first impression, and make sure to establish your credentials and capabilities as early as you can.
Have you . . .
- Helped customers with similar problems in the past?
- Come from the industry your prospect works in now?
- Experienced unique business situations that might be relevant to your lead?
If so, bring these up right away! Find that mix between humility and establishing the credibility of your skills.
2) Make It A Goal To Understand THEIR Goals
To begin a conversation, focus on asking open-ended questions about their problem.
The more homework you can do before the meeting, the better you’ll be able to ask questions that dig up the necessary information. You may even discover problems your retailer lead hadn’t even considered yet.
Worried about annoying your lead with too many detailed questions?
Don’t be.
When was the last time a potential customer didn’t want to be better understood?
The more they see an effort from you to understand their needs, the more likely they are to trust you with their problems.
3) Stop The Salseyness
Just in case no one has ever told you before . . .
Not one actually wants to be sold to.
Customers want to feel like they are making their own decision to buy. Push a prospect too soon and the little trust you’ve built up will go out the window.
Avoid any type of salseyness during those first few interactions and your retailer leads will notice your effort and appreciate it. I promise. Your approach will be like a breath of fresh air compared to the dozens of other salespeople pushing promos at them.
Building a solid business relationship begins with trust. And establishing trust begins with a single interaction. Make sure it counts!
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