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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

eTailer Managers Love Weekly Email Performance Reports

By Darren Pierce on Sep 10, 2013 6:00:00 AM

A study conducted by the Center for Media Research has demonstrated that sending regular newsletters to eTailers is an effective means of boosting the profitability of your business.

It enables you to subtly advertise the product or service that your company is selling under the guise of providing an update about your activities.

In order to increase your sales levels, why not send out weekly email performance reports to eTail managers? This will enable them to see how well your company is doing, providing proof that you are capable of delivering high-quality products.

Success Breeds Success

It is undeniable that success breeds success. If online retailers can see that other companies are buying whatever it is that you are selling then they will be more likely to make a purchase.

If your business is experiencing highs and lows then you can focus upon the positive aspects of its performance in these reports and leave out the negatives.

eCommerce Companies will be more likely to buy from businesses that provide regular information about how they are doing, as this is a sign of openness and honesty.

Seamless Sign-Up Process

It's of the utmost importance to ensure that signing up for newsletters is a seamless process.

eTailers will be less likely to opt-in for weekly performance reports if they have to go through a long, tedious process in order to do it.

Aim to make it as simple as possible for them to let you know that they wish to receive these reports.

Once companies are on board, they will receive regular reminders about the products and services that you offer and get to hear about your successes on a weekly basis.

This should help to secure more sales for your business and increase your profits.

Written by Darren Pierce

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