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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Develop Your Sales Tackle Box, by Brian King

By Darren Pierce on Jun 22, 2016 9:00:31 AM

Power User Spotlight: Brian King, Mozu

Brian's Sales Hack: Develop Your Sales Tackle Box

I am not huge fisherman, but the tackle box is a must for fisherman and it needs to be packed with essentials and specific equipment to hook that prize fish. Just like in sales you to need pack a great sales tackle box to land that big deal. In my current and previous roles, I know that researching the prospect is one of the most important things to get that big deal hooked and is a must-have in everyone's tackle box.

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Use Social Media for Personalized Emails, by Connor McMorrow

By Darren Pierce on Jun 1, 2016 1:32:48 PM

etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

Power User Spotlight:  Connor McMorrow, Linc Global

Connor's Sales Hack:  Use Social Media for Personalized Emails

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