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3 Reasons eTailers Hire Small Vendors

By Darren Pierce on Jun 28, 2013 6:00:00 AM

If you work for a small or medium-sized eCommerce vendor you’ve probably lost out on a sale or two because your company wasn’t a well-known brand in the industry.

It’s frustrating because some eCommerce companies out there trust vendors simply for brand recognition. Even if your solution is better you can lose out for this reason.

But there is good news.

eCommerce companies will partner with small vendors for a few important reasons. You can use these to help you sell your service and land those big accounts.

Obvious Reason: Better Solution

If your solution is better and you can prove it by showing results and case studies you’ll have an easier time landing eTail clients.

It’s hard to argue with results. If you can lay out examples of how your company has helped eTailers grow sales and profit you’ll hit on the most important reason a company will hire you.

1. More Attention

eTailers will also be open to the idea that by working with a small vendor that they will get more personal attention. This can be especially appealing when working on large projects and campaigns.

For example, a large eTailer might want the complete attention of a website design firm for a website redesign project. They can basically hire the small design firm full-time for a few months until the project is complete.

It can be a more appealing option than hiring a well-known firm that will be dealing with other clients during the project.

2. Customized Solutions

Large vendors often have out-of-the-box solutions to offer.

Small vendors often have flexibility to create customized solutions.

For eTailers that are a little different it can be very appealing to work with a small vendor that can provide a custom solution instead of an out-of-the-box solution that probably won’t be sufficient.

3. Trust

Finally, trust is an important part of doing business.

With every sale, there needs to be a certain level of trust.

Some eCommerce companies, even if they’re large, still like working in a small group setting. They appreciate personal relationships and communications.

You can win these companies over by taking the time to discuss everything from business to personal vacation plans and family updates.

eCommerce sales are difficult. If you’re a small vendor you might think you have an even more challenging task, but there are some things you can use to your advantage.

Use the items above as you work with eTailer prospects.

It should help you close more sales even if you’re not the biggest company in the mix.

Written by Darren Pierce

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