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5 Startling Simple Sales Tips That Will Help Create Leads And Close Sales

By Darren Pierce on Jun 3, 2014 6:00:00 AM

Learning how to generate more leads and close more sales doesn’t mean shoveling out cash to attend a conference across the country. Sometimes just a few simple adjustments in your daily routine and sales strategy can make a big difference.

Check out these 5 really simple sales tips that can help you increase productivity today.

1) Set Up Google Alerts

When is the best time to approach prospects?

Don’t know?

Google Alerts can help with that. Setting up alerts for certain keywords, brands, and competitors allows you to monitor what’s happening in your niche so you can approach prospects at the perfect time—when they’re ready to buy.

2) Have A Long-Term Plan

90 days is the magic number.

B2B sales can stretch out for a while. Having a three-month plan that includes both long-term and short-term goals is the best way to keep you on track and to ensure the highest productivity possible.

3) Let Them Market To You

Your prospects’ blogs and newsletters contain valuable information you can use to make your sales pitch more relevant to their needs, so start assessing them both. Analyzing and understanding how your clients market to their customers through these two mediums will also help you discover the most effective ways to market to them.

4) Set Aside Time For Prospecting

I know, I know. Prospecting can be time-consuming and tedious, and you would much rather focus on the warmer leads, but it is crucial to keep adding more clients to the sales pipeline.

Set aside a chunk of time each week to prospect, and discipline yourself to avoid working on other projects during that time.

5) Ask Hard Questions Early

There’s nothing worse than working with a prospect that is never going to buy.

Ask the hard questions early to determine the feasibility and interest level of purchasing your products. If the prospect doesn’t have the budget or is just casually seeking information, don’t push all your chips into the middle of the table.

Some people make sales more complicated than it has to be. Try applying these simple techniques and see what happens.

What simple sales tips do you have?

Written by Darren Pierce

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