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etailinsights eCommerce Data and Sales Blog

How To Get The Most Out Of Your eCommerce Leads

By Darren Pierce on Jul 8, 2015 6:00:00 AM

In a perfect world, every qualified etailer interested in your products or services would eventually become a customer. Unfortunately, in this imperfect world only a fraction of the leads we receive turn into sales, which is why it’s important to make sure you’re getting the most out of interested prospects.

Below are three strategies you can use to make sure you’re maximizing the sales potential of your eCommerce leads.

1) Act Quickly

If an etailer shows interest in your product or service, the quicker you can reach out the better. As the old saying goes--strike while the iron is hot.

Unfortunately, only 37% of companies respond to queries within an hour, and in general, the average response time to a lead is 46 hours, 53 minutes. That’s almost two days! The iron is stone cold by then. 

Studies show that salespeople who respond to customers within an hour are 7x more likely to generate meaningful conversations with key decision-makers, so make a point to be timely when reaching out to new leads.

2) Be Persistent

The average company only makes 1.5 attempts to contact a new lead, but studies show that the more attempts you make at contacting a prospect, the more likely you are to actually reach a decision-maker.

It’s not mind-blowing stuff, but nearly 40% of sales reps give up on a lead after just one call.

The magic number is six. If you attempt to reach a prospect at least six times, you increase your chances of making contact by over 90%.

3) Time It Right

The best time to reach out varies with each etailer, but in most cases, there are specific times during the week and even during the year that prospects are more willing and able to become customers. 

In general, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the best days to contact etailers. On these days, the chances are twice as high your leads will convert.

Inversely, holiday seasons around Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving usually see a 60% drop-off rate.

Make sure you’re extending the right amount of effort during the most optimal times so you get the highest payoff possible from your leads.

Simple strategies like these can help you make the most of your eCommerce leads and convert more interested etailers.

Do you serve eCommerce companies? See how etailinsights can bolster your lead-generating efforts!

Written by Darren Pierce

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